We’re lifting up the wrong thing

I see and hear Christians all over the internet, my city, and even the nation; lamenting at our current moral state. They’re quick to point out the selfishness, greed, and overall godlessness that seem to be all but normal.

True, morality seems to be at an all-time decline. Nevertheless, what worries me is not so much the faithful acknowledgement of a religious group that journeys under a banner of a contorted image of Christ.

No not that.

Rather, is the disconnect between the state of humanity and the cause. The fact that the moral decay that these Christians are so keen to point is primarily their fault. Rather, our fault.

Christianity today has been more preoccupied with the elevation of personal rights, morally bankrupt leaders, and a self-righteous agenda; rather than lifting up Christ.

For He says: “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). It’s quite simple really.

The world was looking for something genuine. We had the opportunity to lift up Christ, but instead we lifted abortion rights, immigration, Donald Trump (still lifting him…sadly), anti LGBT rhetoric, hate, fear, political parties, etc.

In a world that is desperately crying for genuine Love, we chose to hide him, and we’re still hiding him…. because our ego is more important. Our beliefs are more important. We are more important.

We forget the mercy of Christ. How he died for the thief on the Cross as well as the widow, as the orphan, as the vilest of sinners.

We forget that Christ’s primary concern is his Church. To reach the lost and to bring them into the Kingdom.

“But what about righteousness”! some scream. Forgetting that we are not purchased by what we do but by what Christ did.

I genuinely can’t help but Cry. There was once upon a time where I held onto such naïve belief, certain that my faith was full of believers that believed in Christ.

Maturity is a beast.

I now see it’s really smokes and mirrors. Not Christ mind you, but the Church.

Does this offend you church member? Then that’s the first red flag. For offences comes from pride.

If you are reading something like this and are not stopping to ponder whether you might fall into the applicability of these words, you are exactly who I am talking to.

Then again, you probably don’t care. It’s not like you are trying to lift Christ up or anything resembling such spirit filled venture.